avvalan sakht dar hazaram ke mese adamaye asperger ya autism harjur ettela'ati ro tajzie konam,una bade inkar be ghadri tush ghargh mishan ke nemitunan kollesho ba ham bebinan,vali ina topic hayi hastan ke rushun tahlilhayi mishe, azmayeshahayi anjam mishe va msihe entezare voghooe havades va naayeje kamelan gehire badihi tu motale'ashun dasht
inke attention baese asar gozashtan ruye emotion mishe ya emotione ke tasire mosbat ruye attention dare...?
bad az chan daghighe fahmidam uni ke ravande in project ro hokm mikone kheil vasi tar az yeki dta keyworde genreal mese attention ya emotion eh, baraye hosne shuru, bad az rob sa'at harf zadan rafto napadid shod bargashtoo char panjta ketabe 400 safheyi ro ruye ham baram chid,suratesho nemididam, gof negah!
gof cognitive psychology faregh az ravankavi,faregh az freud , lakan, be border haye criticali reside, aknoon zamani has ke vase immagination javabhayi daran
gof faghat chand daghigheye inception ro dide, hadsam ro tayid kard, fghat unjayi ke dokhtare emtehanesho dasht pas midad,hendeseyi ro tarahi mikard ke farar kardan azash bishtar az yek daghighe zaman bebare...
goft magahleye parsale, signalaye maghzo mogheye khab gereftan , adatha va vagaye e ruzaneye taraf ro ham kamel documented kardano,harchi ke bahash dar ertebat bude zire ye team az anvao aghsame takhasosha, javab gereftan, hamin chand mahe pish, mitunan khab va ettefaghatesh ro tu zehne ye nafar tahlil konan
gof age iran mimundi, to ya amsale to, mitunessin inja ham rahesh bendazin, data has.. faghat team kardanesh, ye teami ke sare shish mah khaste nashe jun kandane...
refer kard mano,my first approaches: subliminal consciousness,kurur kurur tahghighat vase dastkarie subliminal attention, subliminal attitude, subliminal emotion, subliminal perception, bedune inke taraf befahme, kamelan inharo taghyir midan, fargh mikone kheili darajash fargh mikoen tu adamaye mokhtalef,toye mohandes ya gheire mohandes...adami ke hipnose befahme kar karde bashe tu iran ham ziad has,harchi has,ini ke donbalesh migardim ye ideye tarkibie, kheili asuntare , in trace ro edame dad kheili asuntar az un game of opportunitiesie ke man balaye taghche gozashtam midunessam.esmesho gozash ke in tazrighe ye viruse vase takhribe maghze
rajebe tajrobeye akhar, padideyi ke in hame mano be vajd avorde bud ,sadeghane! goftam negah kon, chi mibinin?
stimulus hayi ke dar time va sheddat kamtar az hadde aware magzh ro tahte tasir gharar midan, FMRI begiri, mibini ke nahieye pardazeshe tasvir faale, nahiyeyi ke vaghty be face fekr mikoni. vali shakhs tasviri ro nemibine, hatta motevajeh nemishe ke magzhesh ba ye tasvirayi hesabi saro kar dare, fek mikone, tasavor mikone, illusion dare.fek mikone ke faghat dare seda ro mishnave.
porsidam chie? chie ke tuye in tajrobe hast vali tuye kalam, tuye word tuey hezar safhe sher tuye inhame chidmane honarie bozorgtarin shahkarhaye ehsasi peida nemishe?
gof percepte moosighi ro dar nazar begir.. az dide cognitive ya az ramzoromoozesh tuye bo'de subconscious, loghat miari! engar man ra zadand, engar atash migereftam, engar darya mara dar khod hal mikard, moosighie yek sa'at ebe kalam monjar mishavad
khob in tavanayiyi nabud ke ma dosale pish dashtim,va alan enghadr ravun shode,...
baraye un chizi ke balaye taghche gozashtam omidvaram.tanha parsal bud ke un hame tamrinha sa'atha tamrin be in maharat barvar shod,dar arze chand mili sanie mituni paterne pishnahadi ro be unchzii ke ghese saresh bayad bashe map koni....
linke beine shenavayi, in tahlil va zaban, az koja miyat...???ruey mafhume categorization , zaban aamele ehsas nist, ehsasi shekl migirad va ba kalam bayan mishavad...ehsasi shekl migirad... ba kalam bayan nemishavad...
gof signalhaye sowti az lahaze pardazesh, sor'ate khili balatari ta signalhaye basari darand,ghabl az kheili ettefagh ha, birune bohti ke hazm nemishavad...
gof kalam faghre mafhumayi dare. seda nadarad
kurur kurur tahghighayi ke rajebe fanne sokhanvari shode..speech tone,all the words, chegadrhaayish bode manayi che gahdr hayajani , estefadeye sahih az tazade ebarat, avvale jomle, vasat, akahr, punctuation ha, koja maks,koja ebarat sazi.dobare bargardim, maks konim, moror konim, begim,
ghat kardam, na in chizi nis ke donbalesh bashamm
maskh shodegi ro mesal zad.. gof in chi?prefrontal tatile, inhibition nis, mantegham kar nemikone,speech, language, they both tasire maskh shodan sokhan va ahang ba ham das bekar mishan.gof ino darim..
gesture e kalami, gesture e lahn,tasvira shekl migiran hatta age fardi ke gush mide motvajehe didanesh nashe, prefrontal cortex dare ye band kar mikone
goftam has? momkene ke faghat ye chanta file esowti , maneshe ye nafar shekle rah raftane yekio, shekle harf zadanesho, musighie ada o atfar hasho,hessitationhasho mogehye barkhord ba moharekhaye mokhtalef, tahte tasir bezare?avaz kone? perceptiono tamim bede?khala haye emotionie khasi ro peida kone? noavari hayi koni ke faratar az amuzesh haate. faratar az loghaatie ke un tu has, tip ro migam...nahveye arayesh, mitune inharo avaz kone?
filme lie to me ro bebin,dastash kheili moo dasht. ino gof ke dota az bozorgtarin ravanshenasa(chand daghighe bad tasadofan esmesho tuye titre chand ta az maghaleha didam) tush bazi mikonan paul ekman , ruye zehn khani, kamelan bar hasbe vakoneshhaye zaheri tagyire chehre, badan, kalam, negah va radyabishun inke yek ensan chegahd tuye zehnesh che ghdar ba raftarhash ta'aroz dare... man motmaenam to,toyi ke in weblog barat neveshte mishe hata khode ekman ro mituni tahet tasir gharar bedi.
gof search kon inio ke migam, tue yeki az hamin seminarha shenidam, microsoft dare ruye projecti kar mikone ,tuey branche virtual reality
ke tone,music va effect ro towri psychologic entekhab kone,bake kone, ke tuye distant learning ensan ba mowjodi be esme computer ertebate ensani bargahrar kone, in fazaye cyber...
vali body gesture donyayi hast..hamchenan expression haye chehre donyayi hast.....
list of the books i earned from mrs. dr. khorrami
thinking styles
a critique of emotional intelligence
hadbook of affective sciences:
vocal expression of emotion:
encoding expressio of emotion in voice and speech,
theoretical prediction of competing emotion models:
arousal theories
descree emotion yheories
appraisal theories classification and measurement of vocal parameters
acoustic phonetic parameters
psychoacoustic parameters
speech rate and fluency
vice sourceF0 and prosody
Voice source -vocal effort and type of phonation
articulation speed and precision
transmission of voice sounds and perception by the listener
listener inference of emotion from voice and speech identifying the acoustic cues used in emotion inference from voice
neglected issues
the role of prosodychoice of intonational models
foundations of cognitive scienceMichael I Posner
what is cognitive science ?
lepore and zenon pylyshyn
creative evolution Henry Bergson
international handbook of Applied research in Intellectual Disabilities
cognitive neuroscience of emotion
cognition in emotion,always sometimes or never?
facial expression emotion and hemispheric organization
recognizing emotions by ear and by the eye
the enigma of amygdala :on its contribution to Human emotion
Cognitive emotional interactions:listen to the brain
emotion: james w. kalat
part 3:
emotion and information processing:
emotions and attention
emotions and memory
emotion and memory formation
emotion and memory storage
memory retrieval
emotions attributions and expectations
happiness sadness and reasoning
are optmistic illusions good or bad?
gestures the do's and taboos of body language around the world
the power of gestures the science of gestures, gestures are important
the most popular gestures:
Insulting gestures
The Ok! sign
Thumbs up gestures
V for victory
Vertical Horns or Hook em Horns
Special types of gestures
American sign language
thi chi
Gestures head to toe
head and face
lips and mouth
legs and feet
full body
///the ultimate gestures??
first this ultimate gestures is known everywhere and i stress everywhere in the world, it is absoloutely universal
secod it is rarely misunderstood.primitive tribes and world leaders alike know and use this gestures
third scientists belive this particular gesture actually releases chemicals calle endorphins into the system that create a feeling of mild euphoria
fourth s u ravel around the world this gesture may help you slip out of the prickliest of difficult situations.
some people are physicaly incapable of smiling
sme people smile at strange times
some people are trained to not smile under certin conditions
finally smiles come in many forms
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